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What Is An Exchange Server & What Does It Do For Businesses?

When an IT expert refers to an exchange server, they are usually alluding to Microsoft’s mail and message managing technology, which has been added onto extensively over the years. Now, it is a highly robust, comprehensive communications system that can fit into any business environment, including those that have to link together hundreds of employees. Microsoft’s latest iteration of the technology, its 2010 version, combines three layers of architecture to ensure seamless performance and efficient message delivery. This multi-layered approach also promotes strong security and keeps everything organized.

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What Is A DNS Server And How Is It Used For A Business

For those who do not know, a DNS server is a computer that is set up and registered to become part of the domain name system (DNS). The domain name system is the technology behind the public names of Internet domains and websites. They are the readable website addresses that we interact with on a daily basis. When a person searches with Google or another search engine, and the results are returned, cached under all of the descriptive text and links are the domain names of the websites that are listed. A DNS server is an element, and an essential component at that, of the overall process that makes it possible for sites to display in a web browser.

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Determining The Best Small Business Server To Use

The best small business server is one that perfectly merges affordability and performance. While few companies can afford to waste money on equipment that goes beyond its needs, modestly-sized companies are particularly sensitive to major expenditures. A top processor and lots of memory is nice to have, but it is often excessive for basic applications, and the additional performance costs extra as well. That’s why these company owners should consult with a trusted hardware dealer, as this will ensure the company gets a strong deal on the perfect equipment for their needs.

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What To Consider When Looking For Affordable Servers

Servers transform how mid-size to large companies do business, and affordable servers make pure economic sense. Why blow a budget on a few expensive machines when rack mount servers of the Dell R620, R720, and R820 models are available from companies such as SourceTech, at more than reasonable prices? These servers are available used and refurbished at excellent price points. Either type will function as they are intended, depending on the need. Now is the time to invest in rack mount servers. Prices are lower than ever, and efficiency is at an all-time high. Deciding which type fits a business can seem like an insurmountable task, but when weighing all the options, the right choice can be made.

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Comparing 2U Vs 4U Servers

The 2u vs 4u servers discussion is one that every business will likely have as it grows, and there isn’t a single best solution when a company needs to improve its network infrastructure. The ‘U’ unit of measurement refers to the height of the hardware, as this is the essential number when fitting the equipment into a rack. The greater the number, the taller the hardware, and the taller the hardware, the more space it will take up that could be reserved for other equipment. However, going bigger is often the right approach. It depends on the company’s current and likely future needs.

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New & Used Server Info

Though there are some significant differences between new servers, a refurbished server and used servers, they can all provide a perfect solution for a company that needs to expand its network resources. Upgrading network hardware is something that every business needs to do regularly, as it ensures the business can continue to grow and integrate the best software into its production environment. However, company owners and department heads can feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of options available to them. That’s where a reputable seller can really help the process along.

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Used Servers

Used servers can provide a cost effective solution for companies looking to upgrade their network. It’s no secret that this hardware acts like the company’s nervous system, providing a junction point for all data transfers inside the business. That makes it one of the most important elements of the business, so it needs to be upgraded frequently to remain effective. Relying on aging or outdated hardware is a sure way for a business to fall behind its competitors, and as a company grows, it will need to transition away from splitting up its data among multiple drives and consolidate everything. Companies at this stage, as well as businesses on a budget, will find what they need through refurbished hardware.

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