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Reasons An Entry Level Server Should Be Considered

Updated: August 20, 2017

When a small business is looking to improve their network they should always consider an entry level server. A company can find these new, used, or refurbished.

A small or new business that needs to expand or replace its network environment should consider a collection of entry level server machines. These make excellent additions to existing network resources or work perfectly as a starting point for a new business, especially if there are budget considerations. A company has the option of buying new, refurbished, or used servers. The former will offer the best speed performance and tech support from the manufacturer. The latter two offer the greatest in money savings. Some people prefer new equipment to used, however, refurbished or used machines made by well-known brands, such as Dell, and purchased from a reputable dealer can provide exemplary service for years to come. There are numerous options to choose from, so many that it can be a daunting task to make a choice. A reliable dealer can help in the decision-making process. Companies like SourceTech can answer questions, help determine needs, and make recommendations.

Below are some reasons why a small firm might consider the addition of an entry level server:

Simplify the Backup Process

A fundamental component of successful computing is data backup. Into every company’s life, there will come a time when a catastrophic data loss occurs. It isn’t a matter of if, but rather, when. Without back-ups, that data will be truly lost forever. The importance of backing up cannot be over stressed. With the appropriate software, an entry level server makes an ideal system for backing up and restoring files, folders, databases, and hard drives on a network.

Email Hosting

Implementing an email server provides complete control over the number of mailboxes and how those mailboxes are set up, as well as how they behave. Accounts can be created for each branch of the company and every employee. Size limitations will not be an issue. And best of all, security will no longer rest in the hands of a third party.

Share Critical Applications and File Management

Rather than files and business applications residing on individual computers, they can be installed on an entry level server. Access can be provided to the appropriate employees. As mentioned above, a server allows the storing of files in one central location where employees can access them as needed. Application management is more conveniently handled. Upgrading one application that multiple people can access is much faster than upgrading individual PCs. Furthermore, a lot of programs run better in a server controlled environment than they do on individual workstations. As a result, employees can be more productive.

It goes without saying that using trusted sources for goods and services is the smart way to go. The same holds true for a small business that needs to make computer equipment purchases as well. Finding a company that can recommend entry level server technology is essential. This will take the guess work and worry out of purchasing reliable, quality hardware. They will work to set up the system and create an environment for either a smooth implementation of a whole new infrastructure, or an easy transition to a new system. Additionally, they can configure a system that accounts for a firm’s future requirements and provide ongoing support.

When a small business is looking to improve their network they should always consider an entry level server. A company can find these new, used, or refurbished.

A small or new business that needs to expand or replace its network environment should consider a collection of entry level server machines. These make excellent additions to existing network resources or work perfectly as a starting point for a new business, especially if there are budget considerations. A company has the option of buying new, refurbished, or used servers. The former will offer the best speed performance and tech support from the manufacturer. The latter two offer the greatest in money savings. Some people prefer new equipment to used, however, refurbished or used machines made by well-known brands, such as Dell, and purchased from a reputable dealer can provide exemplary service for years to come. There are numerous options to choose from, so many that it can be a daunting task to make a choice. A reliable dealer can help in the decision-making process. Companies like SourceTech can answer questions, help determine needs, and make recommendations.

Below are some reasons why a small firm might consider the addition of an entry level server:

Simplify the Backup Process

A fundamental component of successful computing is data backup. Into every company’s life, there will come a time when a catastrophic data loss occurs. It isn’t a matter of if, but rather, when. Without back-ups, that data will be truly lost forever. The importance of backing up cannot be over stressed. With the appropriate software, an entry level server makes an ideal system for backing up and restoring files, folders, databases, and hard drives on a network.

Email Hosting

Implementing an email server provides complete control over the number of mailboxes and how those mailboxes are set up, as well as how they behave. Accounts can be created for each branch of the company and every employee. Size limitations will not be an issue. And best of all, security will no longer rest in the hands of a third party.

Share Critical Applications and File Management

Rather than files and business applications residing on individual computers, they can be installed on an entry level server. Access can be provided to the appropriate employees. As mentioned above, a server allows the storing of files in one central location where employees can access them as needed. Application management is more conveniently handled. Upgrading one application that multiple people can access is much faster than upgrading individual PCs. Furthermore, a lot of programs run better in a server controlled environment than they do on individual workstations. As a result, employees can be more productive.

It goes without saying that using trusted sources for goods and services is the smart way to go. The same holds true for a small business that needs to make computer equipment purchases as well. Finding a company that can recommend entry level server technology is essential. This will take the guess work and worry out of purchasing reliable, quality hardware. They will work to set up the system and create an environment for either a smooth implementation of a whole new infrastructure, or an easy transition to a new system. Additionally, they can configure a system that accounts for a firm’s future requirements and provide ongoing support.