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Linux Server

Published: June 3, 2016

A Linux server is a common sight among small and medium businesses, and many IT departments prefer them for several reasons. Because it is a highly flexible operating system, it comes in several varieties, though Red Hat and SUSE are the ideal choices for small and medium businesses, as well as enterprise applications.

The operating system offers a wealth of choices to a business, and that means it can find the perfect network infrastructure for its operations, and adapt it as it sees fit. Talented IT professionals, for example, can wring a lot of functionality out of the system and adjust it without disputing the production environment.

What are the benefits of a Linux server?

It’s important to keep in mind, this operating system was originally designed for multiuser applications, so it is naturally secure and reliable. How reliable and secure is it exactly? Consider the following:

  • Reliability – Some IT heads would say that they’ve never seen a Linux server crash, and they may not be exaggerating. It’s well-known that these systems can run for years without a single hiccup, which is particularly important for small and medium businesses. These companies can’t tolerate unexpected downtime, and that’s something they won’t have to worry about with these systems. Running several applications at once can cause most operating systems to slow down and struggle, but these systems are much more capable of maintaining top speeds. Finally, there is no need to reboot the system when new configuration settings have been established, or when the system has undergone an update. It may not seem like much, but bringing down the system for a reboot is still a waste of time and resources.
  • Security – A Linux server is almost always going to be more secure than a system that runs Windows or another operating system. That’s because it is designed to handle multiple users, so only the admin has administrator privileges. Fewer programs can access the system’s kernel, so there is a reduced fear of system corruption. And even though people are always coming up with new ways to exploit networks, they tend to ignore these systems in favor of systems that can be exploited more readily. That means fewer exploits, and when one does rear up, the community is generally adept at countering it before it has a chance to do serious damage. For example, there once was a problem with the system’s kernel, and it dated back several years. It was fixed a few years ago, and not a single person had exploited it.
  • Efficiency – Normally, a system will need frequent upgrades to keep up with current trends in technology. This isn’t the case with these systems because they are extremely svelte and scalable. So they will remain relevant for longer and without having to sink money into them for upgrades.

Although business owners may be comfortable with Windows or another option, a Linux server is the pinnacle of multiuser applications and is perfect for businesses that prize reliability and versatility.

A Linux server is a common sight among small and medium businesses, and many IT departments prefer them for several reasons. Because it is a highly flexible operating system, it comes in several varieties, though Red Hat and SUSE are the ideal choices for small and medium businesses, as well as enterprise applications.

The operating system offers a wealth of choices to a business, and that means it can find the perfect network infrastructure for its operations, and adapt it as it sees fit. Talented IT professionals, for example, can wring a lot of functionality out of the system and adjust it without disputing the production environment.

What are the benefits of a Linux server?

It’s important to keep in mind, this operating system was originally designed for multiuser applications, so it is naturally secure and reliable. How reliable and secure is it exactly? Consider the following:

  • Reliability – Some IT heads would say that they’ve never seen a Linux server crash, and they may not be exaggerating. It’s well-known that these systems can run for years without a single hiccup, which is particularly important for small and medium businesses. These companies can’t tolerate unexpected downtime, and that’s something they won’t have to worry about with these systems. Running several applications at once can cause most operating systems to slow down and struggle, but these systems are much more capable of maintaining top speeds. Finally, there is no need to reboot the system when new configuration settings have been established, or when the system has undergone an update. It may not seem like much, but bringing down the system for a reboot is still a waste of time and resources.
  • Security – A Linux server is almost always going to be more secure than a system that runs Windows or another operating system. That’s because it is designed to handle multiple users, so only the admin has administrator privileges. Fewer programs can access the system’s kernel, so there is a reduced fear of system corruption. And even though people are always coming up with new ways to exploit networks, they tend to ignore these systems in favor of systems that can be exploited more readily. That means fewer exploits, and when one does rear up, the community is generally adept at countering it before it has a chance to do serious damage. For example, there once was a problem with the system’s kernel, and it dated back several years. It was fixed a few years ago, and not a single person had exploited it.
  • Efficiency – Normally, a system will need frequent upgrades to keep up with current trends in technology. This isn’t the case with these systems because they are extremely svelte and scalable. So they will remain relevant for longer and without having to sink money into them for upgrades.

Although business owners may be comfortable with Windows or another option, a Linux server is the pinnacle of multiuser applications and is perfect for businesses that prize reliability and versatility.