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How Does A DNS Server Function

Published: March 28, 2016

A DNS server functions as a means for distributed devices to access domain names and browse the internet. Simply put, websites are identified by a set of numbers called IP addresses. IP stands for Internet protocol, and an IP address looks something like this: To keep track, these IP addresses are collected in a database that resides on a series of computers called domain name servers (DNS). When a person accesses a website, the DNS matches the name website with the correct IP address, and then delivers the site content to the browser. Without a DNS system in place, the internet would be difficult to access. The sheer number of websites runs in the 100s of millions. Keeping up with IP addresses would be close to impossible without a DNS.

Businesses can benefit from having their own DNS server in place. Rather than having a third party provide DNS services, installing a local DNS allows a firm to host their website, email services, and more. This has the advantage of enabling a firm more control over their internet functions, as well as saving money that a third party company would charge for the service. Additional security tools can be used to filter content, as well as block ads and malware.

A DNS server functions as a means for distributed devices to access domain names and browse the internet. Simply put, websites are identified by a set of numbers called IP addresses. IP stands for Internet protocol, and an IP address looks something like this: To keep track, these IP addresses are collected in a database that resides on a series of computers called domain name servers (DNS). When a person accesses a website, the DNS matches the name website with the correct IP address, and then delivers the site content to the browser. Without a DNS system in place, the internet would be difficult to access. The sheer number of websites runs in the 100s of millions. Keeping up with IP addresses would be close to impossible without a DNS.

Businesses can benefit from having their own DNS server in place. Rather than having a third party provide DNS services, installing a local DNS allows a firm to host their website, email services, and more. This has the advantage of enabling a firm more control over their internet functions, as well as saving money that a third party company would charge for the service. Additional security tools can be used to filter content, as well as block ads and malware.